Numerazioni 892 - Intermatica S.p.A. Torna su

Numerazioni Premium a Valore Aggiunto

Services for Companies892 VAS Number

892 numbers are numbers with 6 digits (892xxx short number) dedicated to premium rate, in accordance with the National Numbering Plan, a social-informational services. They are not usable for entertainment services.

The service requires the payment by the caller, of a special rate, part of which (reverse share) is returned to the Company, the Service Center or professional who has activated the numbering.

During the activation it is possible to choose the rates to apply to callers. The maximum rate from fixed number is € 1.50 per minute + € 0.30 connection fee or € 2.00 per flat rate (excludind VAT).

How does it work

The caller dials 893 on his phone, the call arrives to the SmartNode of Intermatica network that, according to the default setting, will do the following:

  • informs the customer about the type and cost of service through a free message
  • provide any automatic interactive IVR services
  • directs the call to other landline or mobile according to the routing plan
  • interrupts the call when the maximum connection time required by law is reached


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