Carte Telefoniche - Intermatica S.p.A. Torna su

Wholesale & Voice Solutions

Services for CompaniesCalling Cards Services for Consumers

Servizio rivolto ad Operatori Telefonici, Distributori di carte telefoniche e Phone Center

Intermatica's Calling Cards represent a service intended for Carriers, Calling Card Distributors and Phone Centers that would like to expand their offer, by proposing new, high quality pre-paid calling solutions without any investment of infrastructures.

Competitive rates combined with highly reliable services permit Customers to customize the solution that best suits their needs.

Intermatica offers products to the "prepaid" market that are particularly advantageous for international calling at very competitive rates.

Intermatica's considerable experience in the sector makes these products unique for their quality as well as for the possibility of combining them with innovative interactive services including: calls in sequence, Calling Line Identification (CLI) recognition, possibility to top-up credit etc.

Customers can choose from among the following:

  • Sole brand or co-branded Calling Cards
  • Calling cards with customized rate lists for Customers
  • Graphic design, production and printing of cards
  • Interactive services
  • Service access from within Italy or from outside of Italy via toll-free numbers and geographically-based international numbers
  • Voice prompts in various languages

All calling Cards Created by Intermatica are distributed by Freecom S.r.l., a Gruppo Intermatica company.



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